Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi will lead an all-party delegation to Delhi on December 4 to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, seeking the Centre's intervention into the Sri Lankan Tamils issue and arrange for a ceasefire immediately in the island nation. A resolution to this effect was adopted at a meeting of leaders of legislative parties at the secretariat here on Tuesday, chaired by the Chief Minister. The meeting was attended among others, by the DMK, Congress and PMK. [ full story
The TMVP was originally the political wing of the armed faction earlier known as the Karuna group. It enjoys the strong backing of the government of President Mahinda Rajapakse. “The Sri Lankan government says that the ‘liberated’ East is an example of democracy in action and a model for areas recaptured from the LTTE,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “But killings and abductions are rife, and there is total impunity for horrific abuses.” “Many in the East believe that the government has given its blessing for these abuses,” said Adams. “It is important for the government to take action against perpetrators to demonstrate that this is not the case.” [ full story
A Hyderabad-based company has bagged the contract to construct a $250 million 70-storeyed building in Colombo, the tallest in Sri Lanka. The foundation stone for the proposed highest building in Sri Lanka was laid by Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake yesterday. The public-private partnership building project will come up in the premises of Sethsiripaya in Battaramulla in Colombo suburbs at an estimated cost of $250 million and will be constructed by Sutchi NEB Construction Company of India.
While Tamil Nadu continued to simmer over the ongoing military offensive in the Wanni which is increasing in intensity each passing day, the government weighed the pros and cons of a snap general election last week in the backdrop of an anticipated doomsday economic scenario. That the government is finding it increasingly difficult to meet its day to day housekeeping commitments leave alone the loan repayments is an open secret in the market today and with the flight of capital also taking its toll, President Mahinda Rajapakse knows only too well the looming crisis can well bring his government down notwithstanding the war hype generated by sections of the media. [ full story
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